Peter Solymos

Ecologist, technologist, co-founder of Analythium
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Peter Solymos
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The Best Resources for Learning Shiny App Development
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The Best Resources for Learning Shiny App Development

Peter Solymos
Peter Solymos
The Hosting Data Apps website is dedicated to help you learn about your hosting options. As outlined in the opening post, data app development related content is kept to a minimum. In this post we list resources that provide accessible introduction to Shiny app development.
1 min read
The Anatomy of a Shiny Application
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The Anatomy of a Shiny Application

Peter Solymos
Peter Solymos
Shiny lets you quickly build web applications using the R programming language. In this post I will walk you through how a Shiny application is structured. The goal is simply to have the most basic and dependency free app that we can deploy. Let's get going!
4 min read
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